What they say about us


'Devastating, dazzling study of Italian street crime' - Guardian


"[It] enters the minds and hearts of its main protagonists (...) Fiore expertly combines observations on wildly different scales to reach a kind of ecstatic truth that is as beautiful as it is heart wrenching

— ELENA LAZIC, CineEuropa

A sublime exploration of nature versus nurture, Fiore opts to tell the story through the eyes of those who are trapped within this ironclad structure of corruption and violence, unable to swim against a current that is bound to drown them all.… creating something that's just as spellbinding in its visuals as it is in the quality of its chronicles.”


Tra santini di Padre Pio e tarocchi in delle affascinanti sequenze che mostrano la doppia natura di questo pezzo di Napoli, la donna si rivolge a un illusorio aldilà per sfuggire alla realtà… Tra quelle strade si muove invisibile la camera di Victoria Fiore restituendo la spontaneità dei suoi protagonisti, i momenti più drammatici, quel costante spettro di qualcosa di insidioso più grande di loro

—CATERINA SABATO, CinemaItaliano

There’s a furious energy and raw power to Victoria Fiore’s uniquely stylish and omnipresent debut feature

Mads Mikkelsen, programmer CPH:DOX